The medicine Orungamin. Instructions for use

The drug "Orungamin" (tablets) is included incategory of antifungal agents with a wide range of activities. The mechanism of the effect of the drug is based on the ability of the active substance - itraconazole - to inhibit the synthesis process in the membrane of fungal cells. The agent is effective in yeast, yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes. The maximum bioavailability is noted when taken directly after a dense meal. The drug reaches its highest concentration in three to four hours.

orungamine instruction reviews

The Orungamin. Instructions for use. Indications

The medicine is prescribed for fungal keratitis,dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, provoked by yeast / dermatophytes and moldy mushrooms. Indications include systemic mycoses: candidiasis and aspergillosis, sporotrichosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis (cryptococcal meningitis, among others). "Orungamin" medication is recommended for blastomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis and other tropical or systemic lesions. Assign a remedy for pityriasis, candidomas with spreading to mucous membranes or skin, vulvovaginal candidiasis including, with deep visceral candidiasis.

orungamine instructions for use

The drug Orungamin. Instructions

Feedback from specialists confirms the feasibilitymedication immediately after eating. The drug is swallowed whole. In the case of immunity disorders, reduced absorption may be noted. In this regard, the need for an increase in dosage is likely. Against the backdrop of onychomycosis, a "pulse-therapy" is prescribed. One course involves taking a drug at a dose of two tablets / capsules per day twice. Duration of treatment - a week. When fungal nail lesions of the hands are recommended, two courses, legs - three. The break between weekdays is 21 days. As the nails grow, clinical results will become apparent. Against the backdrop of onychomycosis (according to the severity of the course of the pathology), a specialist can prescribe a continuous intake of the drug within three months of two capsules / tablets per day.

orgnamine tablets

Side effects

When taking the drug, dyspepsia is noted,toxic liver damage of a serious nature, increased activity of liver enzymes (reversible), constipation, nausea. Patients may have jaundice (cholestatic), anorexia, hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy, headache. In a number of cases, dizziness, hypokalemia, swelling, headache, fatigue occur. For women on the basis of treatment, the menstrual cycle may be impaired. To negative manifestations when taking Orungamin medication, the instruction for use includes congestive heart failure, darkening of the urine, pulmonary edema, angioedema. The drug also provokes alopecia.

The medicine Orungamin. Instructions for use. Contraindications

Do not prescribe the drug simultaneously with the drugs"Midazolam", "Triazolam", "Pimozid", "Quinidine", "Dofetilide", "Cisapride", "Lovastatin", "Simvastatin". Contraindications include intolerance. The appointment in pregnancy / lactation is made according to vital indications.

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