Progesterone when to take, for what day of the cycle? Hormone 17-ON-progesterone how to take?

Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for manyphysiological processes in the body of a woman. In a small number of it produces and male organs (testicles, adrenals). Insufficient hormone concentration in women can cause inflammation of the genitals, uterine bleeding, miscarriages. How to donate blood to progesterone and, most importantly, when - a question that interests many. But it is especially relevant for couples planning a pregnancy.

What is the hormone progesterone?

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaryor testicles, as well as the adrenal glands, whose main task is to maintain the normal functioning of the human sexual system. A very important role is placed on this hormone during pregnancy. Without it, it is impossible to attach the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus. Every woman should know what hormone progesterone is, when to take it and what is the role of this compound in the body.

Progesterone functions:

  1. Preparation of the endometrium in the uterus to insert the egg.
  2. Ensuring the integrity of the uterine epithelium during pregnancy due to the lack of menstruation.
  3. It promotes the growth of the uterus, which is necessary for the normal development of the future baby.
  4. Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the uterus and does not allow her to tear off the fetus.
  5. Thanks to the hormone, the mammary glands are enlarged, so they are prepared for later lactation.
  6. The hormone promotes the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which nourishes the baby and the placenta.
  7. Normalizes blood pressure.
  8. Takes part in the development of tissues.

progesterone when to take?

To know the level of the hormone in the body, you needto donate blood for analysis. Progesterone is given on the day of the cycle of the 22nd or 23rd, after the onset of menstruation. If the cycle is not adjusted and is more than 30 days, consultation of the gynecologist is necessary. In such cases, the analysis is carried out later than the 23rd day of the cycle.

Progesterone and menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is an important biological process in the body of a woman, on which her ability to conceive and give birth to a child depends, that is, a childbearing function.

On average, the menstrual cycle consists of 28 days(from the beginning of the first menstruation to the beginning of the second). Deviations are possible - 21-35 days. It does not matter how many days the menstrual cycle lasts, it matters that it is regular.

The cycle consists of two phases: in the first, the hormone estrogen is produced, in the second - progesterone. The first phase of the cycle - is the maturation of the egg and ovulation, the second - the journey of the egg to the "destination", that is, the uterus. From the follicle in which the ovum ripens, a yellow body is formed, which subsequently produces progesterone. The level of the hormone increases in the blood just in the second half of the cycle. Therefore, the question of which day to take progesterone, the answer is clear: closer to the beginning of menstruation.

how to donate blood for progesterone

If fertilization does not occur, the oocytedies, and the yellow body regresses. As a result, every month a woman has menstrual bleeding. When the pregnancy does come, the hormone continues to be produced by the yellow body until the 16th week, and then it is produced by the placenta.

The norm of progesterone in the blood

Progesterone is an important hormone that prepares the body of a woman for the upcoming nurturing of the baby. Without it, pregnancy is impossible.

During the month, the concentration of progesterone inblood changes. So, the smallest amount is at the beginning of the cycle (up to 4.83 nmol / l). The number of hormones is increasing toward the beginning of ovulation (9.41 nmol / L) and continues to grow during the luteal phase when it starts producing a yellow body (16.2 to 85.9 nmol / L). With the onset of menstruation, the amount of the hormone decreases to 0.32-2.51 nmol / l.

In those women who are pregnant, the concentration of the hormone in the blood continues to grow and is:

  • In the first trimester - from 14.9 to 108.1 nmol / l.
  • In the second - from 61.7 to 159.
  • In the third - 17,3-508,8.

In every week of pregnancy in different amountsProgesterone is produced. It does not matter when future mothers donate blood to progesterone. Where to hand over the analysis, the local doctor will tell. Often private laboratories do this.

Progesterone and pregnancy

Often one hears the expression "hormone"pregnancy ". But not always people understand what is at stake. The pregnancy hormone is progesterone. Its main function is to prepare the body of a woman for the upcoming nurturing of the child and to promote its development.

When a woman feels good,this type of hormone is not prescribed. It is not on the mandatory list. But, when the state of health of the future mother is far from normal, there are threats of abortion, prescribe an analysis for progesterone. How to take it, how to prepare - must tell a specialist (endocrinologist).

progesterone analysis

The concentration of the hormone should always be inlimits of permissible norms. An increased or decreased amount of progesterone indicates a deviation associated with pregnancy or with the health of a future mother.

Low progesterone can cause:

  • Miscarriage.
  • A dead pregnancy.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Fetal lagging in development.
  • Recurrence and late delivery.

High progesterone speaks about:

  • Violations in the placenta.
  • Renal insufficiency.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Problems with the health of the mother (diabetes, cysts on the ovaries).

During pregnancy, progesterone contributes not only to fixing the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus, it also:

  • takes part in the formation of embryonic tissues;
  • changes the emotional-psychological state of a woman, "tuning" her to pregnancy;
  • relaxes ligaments during childbirth.

If you need to know how muchthe body is progesterone, how to properly take the test and, most importantly, when, you should consult a specialist doctor. In addition to the blood test, other types of studies, in particular ultrasound, may additionally be prescribed.

The correction of the hormone is carried out both permanently andand at home. Everything depends on the specific case, as well as on the condition of the mother and the fetus. If there is no threat of interruption, home treatment is possible. As they say, houses and walls are treated.

How to donate blood for progesterone?

For those who plan pregnancy, a blood teston progesterone is one of the important diagnostic methods. Its concentration increases significantly after the release of the oocyte from the follicle (ovulation). Sexual contact at this time will almost completely end in pregnancy.

Many women are interested in whenan analysis on progesterone, how to donate blood properly for research and whether to prepare for analysis. Of course. Before the study of blood on hormones, consultation of the endocrinologist is necessary.

Non-pregnant women give blood for progesteroneon the 23rd day of the menstrual cycle (the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation). When the cycle is more than 30 days, the analysis, respectively, is taken a little later (on the 28th day).

on what day to take progesterone?

In short, the study of the "hormone"pregnancy "is held a week before the start of menstruation. The cycle time does not play a role in this. Those who remember such a simple rule will no longer have a question on which day to take progesterone.

The analysis does not require special preparation. The fence of venous blood is produced in the morning on an empty stomach. A few days before the analysis, you need to cancel some drugs that have an effect on the results. To do this, you need a specialist consultation.

Pregnant women can take blood for progesterone any day. The results are interpreted in accordance with the term (trimester) of pregnancy.

When to take progesterone to a woman with an irregular cycle?

Women who have irregularthe menstrual cycle (that is, each time a different number of days from the start of the first menstruation to the start of the second), it is more difficult to pass an analysis to progesterone. In such cases, doctors recommend that the test be performed several times.

More precisely, on the onset of ovulation and increaselevel of the hormone progesterone "tell" the basal temperature. For this, it is necessary to measure it every morning after sleep with the same thermometer. Measurements can be carried out in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum.

progesterone how correctly to hand over?

Indicators should be recorded in a separatenotebooks. At the time of egg release, the temperature rises by a degree (or more). The next day, it begins to drop, and the body produces progesterone hormone. How correctly to hand over in that case the analysis? On what day of the cycle? In this case, the analysis is taken on the sixth-seventh day after the peak temperature.

Correction of the level of the hormone

The most common deviation of progesterone in the bloodwomen are observed in a smaller direction. That is, he is downgraded. This is the cause of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Also, lowered progesterone indicates different inflammations in the genitals (cysts, fibroids).

Adjust the hormone level with special medications. It's progesterone in injections and pills. The treatment and dose schedule is prescribed only by the doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

The hormone correction allows to adjustmenstrual cycle, support the fetus or placenta during the threat of interruption. The drug sometimes causes adverse reactions - nausea, headache, dizziness. However, these phenomena are temporary.

Who is not eligible for progesterone?

Unfortunately, not all are equally usefulconcentration of the hormone in the blood. In addition to adverse reactions that can cause progesterone (as a drug), it has a negative impact on those who are sick:

  • Breast cancer, tumors of the genital organs.
  • Hepatitis or other liver diseases.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Diseases of the heart.
  • Diabetes mellitus, kidney failure.

Do not take progesterone to people prone to thrombosis.

Progesterone preparations should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment is prohibited.

Folk methods of increasing progesterone in the blood

To raise the level of progesterone in the blood can be and withusing folk methods of treatment, which are based on the reception of broths from herbs - a cuff ordinary, cinnamon, motherwort, millennia, peony, sacred vitek, raspberry leaves, cottonwood. The substances that are contained in these plants stimulate the pituitary gland. And it, in turn, affects the production of the hormone by a yellow body.

when to take progesterone to a woman?

Infusions and teas from plants are recommended to takefrom the fifteenth to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle. Phytotherapy is good for preventing premenopausal syndrome, as well as for women trying to get pregnant.

For treatment with folk methods, endocrinologist consultation is also necessary. After all, not all herbs are equally useful for different people.

17 - HE progesterone

Often, after receiving the results of tests for hormones,women begin to panic because of the elevated level of 17-OH progesterone. And in vain. 17-OH is not a hormone, it is a product of its synthesis. It also produces from the second trimester the placenta and the adrenal glands of the fetus, which explains the increased amount of this substance.

The concentration of 17-OH within the norm is 1.24-8.24 nmol / l during the maturation of the ovum, 0,91-4,24 during the ovulation period, 0,99-11,51 during the release of the oocyte from the follicle.

Of course, a significant disadvantage, like the excess of 17-OH, indicates violations in the body. It can be:

  • Malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands.
  • Anomalies in fetal development (external genitalia in boys).
  • Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex in the fetus.

So, 17-HE progesterone when taking, will prompt a specialist doctor. The main symptoms are indications for this:

  • Miscarriages.
  • Infant mortality (newborns).
  • Violated menstrual cycle.
  • Acne rash on the face.
  • Increase the hair cover on the chest and face in women.

If similar phenomena are observed, it is necessary to hand overblood on the hormone 17-OH (progesterone). When to take the test? Venous blood taken from the morning on an empty stomach is necessary for research. It is not necessary to prepare for it.

Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid many health problems.

Progesterone in men

Most women who plan pregnancy know what progesterone is, when donating blood to the hormone and what the results mean. Do men know the role of this hormone in their bodies?

Why take progesterone?

Progesterone functions in the male body:

  1. Serves for the prevention of neoplastic diseases of the reproductive system, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Strengthens the bone system.
  3. It controls the level of the hormone estrogen.
  4. Takes part in the exchange of liquids.
  5. Normalizes the thyroid gland.
  6. Promotes healthy sleep.

Therefore, the question of why to take progesterone to a man, the answer is simple - for the prevention and diagnosis of many diseases.

Preventive measures to maintain progesterone levels

The amount of progesterone in the blood, like other hormones, depends on many factors, in particular, on the way of life. A healthy and healthy way of life contributes to the normal production of the hormone.

To maintain progesterone within the norm, you need:

  • Balanced eat.
  • Food should be varied, including the inclusion of cholesterol, which is the main source of the hormone.
  • Avoid stressful situations and depression.
  • Do sports and sports.
  • Strengthen immunity.


Progesterone is not only a "hormone"pregnancy ", this is an important substance that is responsible for the normal functioning of the human body. Everyone should know the symptoms that say that progesterone is raised or lowered (when taking tests, described in the article) and what contributes to the normalization of its level.

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