What is "afterburner"? Meaning of the word

A series of films "Fast and Furious" has a huge amountfans around the globe. Each new picture of street racers collects a multimillion-dollar profit and a lot of positive feedback from both viewers and critics. With the increase in the number of fans of this franchise, the number of people interested in the same question has also grown, what is "afterburner". This article was created to help find the answer to this question.

afterburner what is

Fast and the Furious: what does this mean? Sources of the word

Someone may be surprised, but the term "afterburner" has foreign roots. It is based on the word force, which in English means "force," "forcing," and so on.

What does it mean to force?

Before learning about the term "afterburner" and thatit means, it is necessary to understand what it means to "force". In Russian there are several definitions of this word. Some of them are not directly related to what "afterburner" is, but it's still worth mentioning. To force is:

  1. Increase the power of the engine or gear.
  2. To force to development, proceed at an accelerated pace, accelerate.
  3. Strengthen the volume of your own voice (as a rule, singers and people who expressively read poetry or prose) are engaged in this.
  4. The strength to overcome an obstacle guarded by enemies.

Of all the points listed, only the first relates to what is the afterburner. This is the subject of the next paragraph.

afterburner what is it

Fast and the Furious: What is it?

Fast and the Furious is a special mode of engine operation,Used to quickly disperse any vehicle (car, airplane, spaceship, boat, etc.). If you try to explain the meaning of the word "afterburner" in plain language, then the phrase "pressed the pedal to the floor and with the whistling of the wheels went to overclocking" is ideal as a description.

The afterburner regime requires much more resources,than the standard, because because of the transition to the state of acceleration, the vehicle begins to consume a large amount of fuel. It is for this reason that the mechanism can not use afterburners for too long. In addition, if you too often go into the afterburn mode, this can lead to some sad consequences. For example, the engine due to aggressive operation can quickly overheat, wedge or simply stop being usable.

If we talk about passenger planes, then regimeThe afterburner is absent there. Several decades ago, in the Soviet Union, some supersonic passenger boards of the TU-144 were used, capable of transferring to a super-high-speed regime, but now this kind of aircraft came out of use.

afterburner what it means

Speaking of what is the afterburner, you can notmention "deformed" engines. Such mechanisms can often be found in automobile markets. Constructions of this type are created in order to use them in unusual conditions, which would be different from urban ones. For example, in those times when the USSR had not yet disintegrated, Muscovites with a deformed engine, capable of operating on all types of fuel (including low-octane fuel) were actively used in the territory of this state. Such cars were created purely for use in rural areas.

And a few words about the movie

As mentioned earlier, "Fast and Furious" is notonly a term, but also the name of the most lucrative franchise of Universal Pictures. All parts of the famous series of street racing drivers brought the company more than $ 4 billion in profits. The very first film came out far back in 2001 and managed to find a large number of fans around the world. Thanks to the success of the first picture, the studio bosses gave green light to the shooting of the franchise's continuation. Since then, the series has gone through many transformations, and the characters of Paul Walker and Wine Diesel have become the status of one of the most memorable characters in the action genre.

At the moment, there are already 8 partsstreet-stage epic, and the studio is not going to stop there. And this means that in front of us expect new movies about the adventures of Dominique Toretto and his stritreyserskogo family.

afterburner meaning of the word

The most interesting thing in this situation is that inthe original series of films called Fast and Furious. In English, fast means "fast", and furious means "furious". The name "Fast and the Furious" series Fast and Furious received from Russian localizers.

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