How to get rid of thrush once and for all? Methods of treatment

Almost every woman knows about the existence ofsuch a disease as candidiasis (thrush). Everyone can get sick, including small children. This disease does not belong to the venereal, but is transmitted, including sexually. Localized candidiasis can not only in the vagina, but also in the mouth, in the intestines and on the skin. All the sick worried about the question of how to get rid of thrush once and for all.

how to get rid of thrush once and for all

Causes of Candidiasis:

  1. Reduced immunity.
  2. Chronic infectious diseases.
  3. Incorrect oral contraceptives.
  4. Prolonged use of antibiotics.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Violations of the hormonal background.
  8. Allergies.

In addition, the risk of thrush appears to increase,if a woman wears synthetic underwear, tight pants, constantly uses hygiene pads, uses sweet. Get rid of thrush is not easy, especially if a woman is pregnant. After all, in this case, most drugs are contraindicated.

You can recognize the disease yourself. It manifests itself in certain characteristic features, such as:

  • burning and itching of the genitals;
  • greenish or white cheesy discharge, which have an unpleasant odor;
  • redness and swelling of the genitals;
  • pain during intercourse and urination.

get rid of thrush
Very often, such symptoms occur beforemenstruation. Itching is especially aggravated after taking a bath and shower, while walking. Often the thrush acquires a chronic character and periodically reminds of itself. To prevent this, it is necessary to call the doctor on time and not to engage in self-medication. Only an expert can correctly explain how to get rid of thrush once and for all.

Treatment of candidiasis is to destroythe pathogen. For this, tablets, vaginal creams, suppositories and ointments are used. For each woman should be given individual treatment, taking into account the frequency and complexity of the disease. An experienced doctor knows how to get rid of thrush once and for all. Do not neglect his advice and recommendations!

how to quickly get rid of thrush

At treatment of a yeast the whole complex of medicines is used:

  1. Combined medicines for topical application.
  2. Antimicrobials of local action.
  3. Antifungal means.

If you are looking for a way to quickly get rid of thrush, use not only tablets, but also topical preparations. Of course, consult your doctor beforehand.

Noticing the symptoms of thrush, it should bestop sexual relations so as not to infect your partner. Temporarily get rid of the itch will help wash away with furatsilinom or baking soda. Do not use soap for this. It dries the skin and makes it worse. Exclude from your menu sharp and sweet dishes, as well as bakery products. Eat more dairy products. At the time of treatment, stop sports activities and intense physical activity. If candidiasis passes against the background of menstruation, then refuse to use tampons and change the sanitary napkins as often as possible. And remember that only an experienced doctor can answer the question of how to get rid of thrush once and for all.

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