Polidex (drops in the nose and in the ear) - a new generation drug

Polydex refers to combination drugs,used for local use in otorhinolaryngology. The therapeutic effect of using polydex is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of dexamethasone and the antibacterial action of polymexin and neomycin. The composition of the nasal spray also includes phenylephrine. The combination of these antibiotics allows to expand the spectrum of antibacterial effect on many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, which most often cause inflammation of the external and middle ear, nose and accessory sinuses.

Polidex. Indications for use

Produced in two forms: "Polidex" drops into the nose and drops into the ear. The drug has a combined medicinal effect on the body, which simultaneously removes inflammation, narrows the blood vessels and suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Polidex (drops in the nose) is most often used in the following conditions: sinusitis, rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis in acute and chronic form. Polidex (ear drops) are used for eczema of the ear canal, with otitis media with a solid eardrum and with some infections of the external ear. The drug "Polidex" can be used both for monotherapy of various diseases of the nose and ear, and in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs of local and general action.

Polidex. Contraindications

"Polidex" drops in the nose are contraindicated whenindividual intolerance of the drug components, with suspicion of glaucoma, with kidney failure and with some viral infections, and with treatment with MAO inhibitors. In pregnancy and in the young nursery age (up to 2.5 years), the use of this drug is not recommended. With great care, the drug should be used for hyperthyroidism, arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease. For ear drops "Polidex" contraindications are viral diseases of the external and middle ear, mycoses of the ear canal, perforation of the tympanic membrane, allergic reaction and individual intolerance of the components of the preparation.


When using the drug "Polidex" (drops innose), a minimum amount of active substances enters the blood, which is absolutely not dangerous for the general condition of the patient. It is very important to know that this medicine should not be used for rinsing sinuses. The drug "Polidex" is not recommended for the treatment of professional athletes, because it can confirm a positive test for doping.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of otitis and sinusitis

As a rule, the drug is perfectly toleratedpatients and does not cause side effects. Drops of "Polidex" for the nose - this is the most optimal drug for the treatment of a prolonged or slow inflammatory process, which is caused by low sensitivity of microbes to traditionally used drugs. Today, for the treatment of chronic rhinitis, drugs "Polidex" or "Isofra" are used, which are considered to be a new generation and are very effective in the treatment of such diseases. Otofa and Polidexa (drops in the ears) are often used to treat otitis, they are considered to be the most optimal drugs for local treatment of inflammatory diseases of the external and middle ear.

The drug "Polidex" (drops in the ear and nose)is a new generation medicine, which is currently considered to be the most effective in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the nose and ear. Many patients have already tried the drug on themselves and were satisfied with the result, but without the doctor's appointment to use it for the treatment of their diseases still not worth it.

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