Virgo and Taurus - compatibility in love. Taurus Girl, Virgo Boy: Horoscope Compatibility

Horoscope claims that the union of Taurus and Virgo -one of the most enduring among the representatives of the zodiac signs. And he keeps on the unity of views on various aspects of life, mutual understanding and, of course, love.

Practical and decisive Taurus
Virgo and Taurus Compatibility in Love

Taurus is a bull. Therefore, people who were lucky enough to be born under this sign of the zodiac are determined and strong, practical and persistent. Taurus does not hang in the clouds, he prefers to deal with specific cases that promise him material benefits. To implement his goals, he spares no effort and energy, removes all obstacles from his path. Material values ​​mean a lot for Taurus. He loves comfort, comfort, stability. Everything in his life is planned for many years to come. Therefore, he does not like when strangers interfere in his affairs. In the manifestation of feelings, Taurus is not strong. In everything, he prefers stability, not emotion.

So in the Taurus-Virgo alliance, the compatibility of signs rests primarily on the stability and practicality of Taurus. And what about Virgo?

The goddess of love
Taurus Virgo Compatibility Signs

Not for nothing in myths Virgo is the goddess of love orfertility. Of course, she is more emotional than Taurus. Yet in her rationalism is also much more than emotion. She is practical, intelligent, accurate, diligent. She is interested in new knowledge. Virgo is active, hardworking and does not respect those who go to work through their sleeves. She is better suited not to monotonous physical work, but analytical mental. Not indifferent to comfort, to good food and beautiful clothes. Therefore, it is difficult to save money. Especially when buying things, it seeks to acquire only quality products, not caring at all how high their price.

Virgo is peculiar to take care of loved onespeople, to think about their well-being. It is from here that its practicality and prudence follow. And on her part in the tandem "Taurus-Virgo" compatibility of signs is based on care and activity.

Strength of union of two signs

Love of Taurus and Virgo is not differentpassions, romantic relationships or jealousy. For them, love and marriage are something more, implying an obligatory mutual understanding, harmony of relations, community of interests.

As a rule, in such a marriage, the Virgo, because of itsmore activity and an innate sense of responsibility for the family becomes the main person able to channel not only their energy but also the partner's energy into the right channel.

Taurus, in turn, agrees to obey. The main thing with him is to do it in an amicable way, and he will take on the main burden of making money and controlling family expenses.

So it turns out that the signs of the zodiac Virgo and Taurus compatibility in love and marriage can have almost complete. How complete? Here, such a factor as the sex of Virgo and Taurus can play a decisive role.

Taurus Girl, Virgo Boy - Compatibility

girl taurus guy virgo compatibility
In such an alliance, a woman-Taurus requires the ability to show flexibility and tact, the ability to tune in to the spiritual state of the Virgin. If she gets it, then the marriage will be successful.

In no case should the Taurus girl not betake to heart the mood swings of your partner, sometimes arising, it would seem, without cause, sadness or even melancholy. On the contrary, it should and, most importantly, it can dispel this longing, create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the family, which will help the man-Virgo to cast aside doubts and worries. And then he will be able to turn mountains to keep the heat of his family hearth.

Perfect compatibility of Virgo and Taurus-womenis obtained because both do not rely on fate. They do not expect mercy from her, but with their own labor they achieve prosperity. Both strive for a serious relationship and appreciate the comfort and warmth of the family hearth.

Male Taurus, female Virgo - Compatibility

compatibility of virgin and calf women
The marriage of such a pair also promises to bestrong, filled with common affairs, attention and care, family harmony. Here, a man-Taurus should be able to show respect and understanding to his second half, while listening to her advice. He will assume the leading role in the family, but to direct his actions will still be the Virgin. And she needs to try not to dwell on unnecessary and unimportant little things, and take calmly the characteristics of her man, even if they sometimes irritate her.

The main thing in this marriage is the ability of partnersquickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of each other and take your half as it is. It will not be long before they understand each other with a half-word. And compatibility of signs of the zodiac "Virgo + Taurus" with the years will only increase.

If problems occur

Probably, there is no such a married couple in the world,which would not have experienced any problems in the relationship. Taurus and Virgo are no exception. But after all, any difficulties are surmountable, especially with the passage of time, when partners are already getting used to each other and imbued with mutual understanding and respect.

In the pair "Virgo and Taurus" compatibility in love will beideal, if Taurus tries to understand the delicate mental structure of the Virgin. You can not ask her to show feelings if she is not able to express them. Otherwise, Virgo can become quick-tempered, angry, ruthless. She needs a kindness and sincere kindness, which, of course, she wants from her husband. And having received, begins to look at the world with other eyes, it opens a second wind and it turns out everything, for whatever it takes. In turn, Taurus receives an emotional charge from Virgo. It is for him a source of joy and inspiration. Next to her, he agrees to have fun and relax, then to start working with new strength. It is Virgo who is perfectly able to stimulate the creativity of Taurus.

Notwithstanding the little things

love of the calf and the virgin
Sometimes a Taurus woman can irritate an unnecessarythrift, and even meticulousness of the Virgin. However, as compensation, she is able to pay tribute to his diligence, honesty and dedication. But male Taurus at times inaccurate and even careless. They are committed to serious business for obtaining daily bread, so they consider it unnecessary to spend time to carefully comb their hair, remove ashes or crumbs, hang on their shirt hangers and shine their shoes to shine. Virgo also appreciates in Taurus his poise and ability to resolve conflicts without noisy quarrels.

Complementing each other, avoiding conflicts and quarrels, Virgo and Taurus compatibility in love can acquire full, thereby strengthening their union, and live happily together.

Mutual understanding can be complete

compatibility of zodiac signs
It is in understanding that harmony is createdthis pair. They can easily communicate with each other, because there are many common plans, interests and desires. Over time, mutual understanding is strengthened, and feelings are intensified. Love, though not passionate, but calm, balanced, makes them stronger together than they would be one by one. Only next to each other they feel full security, confidence in the future and reliable shoulder not only of the spouse, but also of the friend.

Signs of the zodiac Virgo and Taurus Compatibility in lovefind the ideal. This combination is favorable for a harmonious marriage and a happy life together. Virgo and Taurus are able to spend all their life together, rejoicing at the successes and achievements they achieve together, overcoming and quickly forgetting those problems that for a moment clouded their joy. After all, if there is an irreplaceable, necessary person for you, with whom a complete understanding is reached, then any difficulties are easily overcome, and even the most complex conflict issues are resolved by common consent.

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