What if the pump is stuck in the well?

Submersible pumps that are used for feedingwater from wells on the site, periodically need preventative maintenance. It also happens that equipment needs to be obtained for minor urgent repairs. Lifting the device is also due to the replacement of the unit with a model that is more powerful. This need arises with time, when the old device served its term.

The operation for extracting the submersible pump is notalways passes successfully, and the downhole pipe is sometimes the place where the pump is simply stuck. Sometimes equipment rises tightly, and the site owners, faced with such a problem, do not know what to do in order not to break the cable.

The main reasons for jamming

the pump got stuck in the well

If the equipment is stuck, how to pull it outdeep well pump? First, you need to understand the main reasons why such a nuisance may occur. Usually they are conditioned by the human factor.

During the installation of the pump may be violatedtechnological requirements for fixing the elements of the device. Sometimes it also happens that the quality of their production is made demands that have not been met. A favorable outcome in this case is not expected, which is manifested during the dismantling of the pump.

What to do if there is a cable sag

jammed the pump in the well how to pull out

If you, too, are confronted with the question of whatdo if the pump is stuck in the well, first you need to figure out the reasons. The sagging of the electrical cable occurs most often. The cable in this case is in a loop, which is wrapped around the equipment body. At the same time, pulling the device with all its might is not worth it, since this will not exactly lead to success, but the cable may simply be cut off. In this case, it's quite difficult to do something on your own.

You can try pushing the device back. You can do it yourself. You can try again, feeling the slack. In this case, you need to start a leisurely climb. It is better to prevent the described situation than to try to correct it. In order not to interfere with the sagging of the electrical cable, it is necessary to fasten its clamps to the hose or pipe. And it needs to be done at the stage of installation of the system. It is not recommended to fix the cable to the cable, as the clamps in operation can fly off. When lifting equipment, you must ensure that the cable and hose come out to the surface at the same time. It is important to exclude slack in one or the other.

Siltation of the well

the pump got stuck in the well

If the "Kid" pump is stuck in the well,The reason for this was siltation. This happens quite often when the source of water is not used for a long time. As a result, a layer of silt forms, which becomes an obstacle to the equipment.

If you are faced with a similar problem, thenshould swing the unit. During this time, the device can be lowered or raised. This will cause the water to begin to blur the sediments, and the road to the top will be released at the same time, which will allow to take the device out. Do not hurry up while doing excessive activity. Otherwise, a blind jamming of the unit may occur.

If the pump is stuck in the well, how to pull it out,you can only understand after you have determined the cause. If it is the accumulated sludge, then you can use a non-standard way of dealing with it. To solve the problem, it is necessary to attract firefighters who can wash the deposits with a sleeve. The hose descends into the well. When the pump is empty, you can understand it, because it will go smoothly upward. In order to exclude siltation of the well, it is necessary to subject it to preventive cleaning with a certain frequency, which is once every three years.

Overcoming a complex solid obstacle

How to pull a deep pump out of a well is stuck

If the pump is stuck in the well, how to get it,you can understand if you determine the cause yourself. It sometimes becomes a solid obstacle, which can be considered a rather complex barrier. If there is such an obstacle in the way of movement of the device, you can learn about it by a characteristic knock. The congestion will perform the function of a wedge, and as it sometimes acts:

  • the flattened edge of the pipe;
  • marriage in the assembly of the column;
  • burrs from the weld;
  • dent in the pipe.

The latter can arise because of the movements of the soil. As for the burrs, this is the problem of the team that worked on the well. The reason may also be the marriage of the sedimentary column, which is expressed in axial displacement, when the threaded connection or welding is performed poorly. The pump with this obstacle will freely pass down, but it can not move upward.

If you have a well for water, and the pump is stuckin it, then you can solve the problem by rotating the equipment with a pipe around its axis. In this case, the obstacle that has got on the way can be circumvented. But the probability of freeing the movement of the device is not 100%. Success can be one-time. However, it is worth trying, because in each specific situation the problem can be resolved in this way.

Sometimes there is a situation in whichthe solid obstacle falls into the well. They are an instrument, a foreign object or a piece of fasteners. The pump stops at this time during a sudden ascent. You can learn about it unexpectedly. When the device falls into the gap between the pump and the borehole wall, the solid object will not allow the equipment to be removed, which is the reason for the jamming.

The move down will remain free,whereas the gaps up will vary depending on the sample of the cable. Experts advise to call professionals to solve a similar problem, because only with the help of appropriate equipment it will be possible to derail the interference.

Reverse siltification

What to do if the pump is stuck in the well

If the pump is stuck in the well, ways to get ityou can learn it if you read the article. Among other problems, one can distinguish the effect of reverse siltation, which is observed where the well is located in limestone soils. With prolonged use, the sediment layer will grow over the place where the equipment is located. As a result, a cork is formed. In order to stop this process, the well must be cleaned every three years.

Additional recommendations for retrieval

pump the baby is stuck in the well

A stuck pump with a broken cable canRemove, using metal devices with pins. In the people they are called a cat. The pump can be hooked, which is considered a great success. You can grasp the end of the hose or cable, then the equipment will be able to be taken out upward.

In order to pump down, someinventors use scrap, tied to a rope. You should strengthen it firmly enough so that it does not stay inside when you throw it. So you can act in the case of an old device, which is not supposed to be operated further. The probability of damaging the unit is very high, but this technique can work with a small depth of the device.

If the pump is stuck in the well,Use a pipe to which the ear is welded. A cable, cable or hose is passed through the pipe, and after that the device is lowered on a separate cable inside. Under pressure, the equipment can slip down and hang on the cable. At the same time, pull the pipe and pump to the surface. The weight of the structure can reach 50 kg, so for the work needs to enlist the help of another person.

Additional tips

water well stuck pump [

If the pump is stuck in the well, and its suspension is notwas torn off, then with force extraction it is possible to fix the equipment in a strained form and tap it periodically. When there is a weakening of the cable, you can re-tighten it and tap again. These actions are repeated for several days. The method is suitable only for particularly patient masters, but will be successful only in selected cases.

How to prevent a problem

In order for the pump not to get stuck in the well, youyou can try to prevent such a situation. To do this, the quality of the cable should not be saved. To suspend the submersible equipment, you need to purchase fasteners and a cable from stainless steel. Inside the well, it is not recommended to use pieces of cables and hoses that are spliced ​​together. When climbing, weak spots may disperse, and scraps will bend and cause the device to jam.

It is recommended to purchase the pump with the following calculation,so that it has a minimum diameter for a particular well, which will increase the gap between the walls and the body. Pumps of small thickness are more expensive than larger analogues, however, when comparing the difference in cost with the price of a new well, the acquisition of a thin instrument becomes profitable.

What else is important to remember

Replacing the pump will reduce the chance of its jammingin future. It is recommended to install a headpiece on the well, which was made in the factory. It must be installed in such a way that it is located as close as possible to the walls of the pipe. This part will exclude the ingress of debris and random objects.


If the pump gets stuck in the well, manymasters begin to come up with sophisticated ways to solve this problem. Pushes them to this high cost of services of those firms that are engaged in this direction. Sometimes the cost of a specialist of such a company reaches the cost of installing a new well. To save the budget, you should try to do everything possible to prevent jamming of the equipment or to try to solve the problem yourself, which, however, is not always possible.

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