Aromatic buddlea: planting and care

Many gardeners have won extraordinary beauty andsweet honey aroma, which fragrance exotic beauty buddleya. Planting and caring for this plant will bring a lot of trouble to a budding floriculturist, but the time spent is worth it. The genus of these shrubs includes more than 100 species, but in our latitudes not all take root, because heat-loving beauties are accustomed to the subtropical and tropical climate, and frosty winters are fatal for them.

buddlea landing and care
In our country, the most popularbuddleya of David. It comes from China, has long racemose inflorescences reaching a length of 70 cm. In a natural habitat, the shrub grows up to 5 meters in height, but in our regions - no more than 2. This species has a different coloration: purple, white, pink, purple, red. Whatever the color of the petals, the middle in most cases orange.

Cultivated buddlea from seeds is very rare, but inmainly propagated by cuttings. If the florist wanted to get a new variety, it is better to buy only the planting material, brought from warm countries, since we do not have enough ripening. Buddleic seeds are very small, so they are sown on top of the soil and only covered with earth. Seedlings appear in half a month or even a month. If you sow seeds in early spring, then in May or June you can plant the seedlings in the open ground, where at this time of the year the buddleus will feel great.

buddleya david
Planting and care involves training wellilluminated, sheltered from the wind. The bush is planted only in water-permeable and loose soil, heavy soil is excluded. Immediately after planting the plant, the land must be mulched with dry peat or straw. As buddlea grows in the rainy tropics, it needs regular watering. In the heat, it is impossible to let the soil dry out very much, in the evening it is recommended to spray the leaves of the bush with water to create conditions close to the humid subtropics.

An important stage is preparation for winter,because our frosts are poorly tolerated by the thermophilic buddleus. Planting and nursing begin in the spring. During the season the branches grow strongly and inflorescences appear on them. With the arrival of cold weather, bushes have to be cut almost at the very base. Roots are covered with fallen leaves to delay snow, and you can also put brushwood. In the spring, you need to remove the shelter in time, so that the plant is not vyprelo. In many ways it is the wintering that is the most difficult process in growing buddlei.

buddleigh from seed
The bush reproduces perfectly by cuttings. To do this, in June, it is necessary to cut off young shoots of 15 to 20 cm in length, remove the leaves from them, treat them with a solution to stimulate root growth and insert into the ground. It will be better if you create mini-greenhouses, covering them with banks. In such conditions cuttings are quickly taken and allowed new shoots. There are known cases when a broken branch stuck in the ground quickly took root - under certain conditions the buddlea multiplies easily.

Planting and caring for this bush are troublesome, noteveryone does not always manage to keep this heat-loving beauty in their garden for a long time. But the forces and time expended on buddlei will justify themselves when she smells their beautiful flowers, filling the garden with a honey aroma.

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