The drug "Resalute" or "Essentiale": what is better? We find out together

Medication "Resalute" or "Essentiale": what is better? The answer to this question is found in the materials of the article. Moreover, we will talk about what these drugs are needed for, how to take them, etc.

resalyut or essenciale is better

general information

Means "Resalute" or "Essentiale": what is better? Before answering this question, it should be said that these medications are hepatoprotective agents. They normalize liver function, significantly lower the level of energy costs of this organ, promote enzyme activity and regeneration of its cells, and also convert cholesterol and neutral fats into forms that stabilize the physical and chemical properties of bile and facilitate their metabolism.

Indications for use of the drug "Resalute"

The medicine "Resalute" or "Essentiale": what is better? The answer to this question is possible only after the positive and negative sides of these funds are presented. Now we will consider in what cases a drug such as "Resalute Pro" is prescribed:

  • cirrhosis of the liver, as well as toxic damage to this organ;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • liver degeneration (fatty) of various origin;
  • hypercholesterolemia.

Indications for the use of the medicament "Essentiale"

In addition to the above deviations, this drug is prescribed for such diseases as:

  • psoriasis (in complex therapy);
  • necrosis of liver cells;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • hepatic precoma or coma;
  • post- or preoperative therapy (especially during surgical intervention in the hepatobiliary zone);
  • radiation syndrome.

Methods of application and dosage of the drug "Resalyut"

When liver lesions doctors always appointsuch funds as "Resalut" or "Essentiale". As for the first medication, it should be taken inwards in the amount of 2 or 3 capsules per day immediately before meals. In this case, it is not recommended to chew the medication. It should only be washed with plain water. The duration of therapy with this drug depends on the course and type of the disease.

Dosage and methods of application of the drug "Essentiale"

resalyut or essenciale that is more effective

This medication is not only available in capsules, but also in the form of a solution for injections. Thus, the dosage of this drug is assigned depending on the form of its release:

  • Capsules "Essentiale Forte". Assign inside 2 pieces three times or twice a day during a meal. The course of therapy with this drug is at least 3 months. If urgently needed, it can be extended. Such capsules should be swallowed whole, washed down with a small amount of water.
  • Solution for injection "Essentiale N". Assign for slow intravenous administration of 250 mg. In more severe cases, this amount can be increased exactly 2 times. It should be noted that the contents of 2 ampoules are allowed to be administered simultaneously. It is recommended to use only a clear solution and avoid any mixed injections.

Medication "Resalute" or "Essentiale": what is better?

In order to answer this question,should consider the positive and negative aspects of these drugs. After all, only this way you will be able to determine the choice and purchase the most effective and effective medicine for yourself.

Advantages of "Resalute Pro":

  • Bioavailability of the drug is quite high.
  • Side effects of this drug are much less common than during the use of other analogs.

resalute or essential

disadvantages facilities "Resalute Pro":

  • The cost of the drug is very high compared with similar drugs.
  • The time of maximum concentration in the blood is much higher than that of other medications.
  • The half-life is relatively low.

Benefits facilities Essentiale Forte:

  • Bioavailability of the drug is the highest in comparison with analogues.
  • Concentration (maximum) of the drug in the blood is low, and the period of action of the drug almost reaches the day.

disadvantages facilities Essentiale Forte:

  • High cost of medicinal product.

Benefits facilities Essentiale N:

  • Bioavailability is one of the highest among similar agents.
  • The half-life of the drug is at a very high level.
  • The maximum concentration is achieved in a short time in comparison with similar drugs.

disadvantages facilities Essentiale N:

resalute or essential forte

  • There is no tableted form of release of a drug (it goes on sale only in the form of solutions for injections).
  • Unlike some other analogs, this composition contains no vitamins.

Let's sum up the results

If the attending physician appointed you a drug "Resalute"or "Essentiale Forte", then you should strictly follow the dosage. If you neglect the doctor's prescription, side effects may occur in the form of allergic reactions and abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system.

The medicine "Resalute" or "Essentiale": What is more effective? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. After all, the one and the other drug have their advantages and disadvantages. This is why it is highly discouraged to apply these medications alone. They should be taken only after the appointment of a doctor.

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