The drug "Magnesia" (injections). Description

The agent "Magnesia" (injections) has an anticonvulsant, soothing effect. The drug has and spasmolytic effects. In addition, the medicine "Magnesia" is a laxative.

magnesia laxative

Sulfuric acid magnesia, when administered orally, has a cholagogic effect. The drug has a reflex effect on the mucosal receptors in the duodenum.

Laxative action is due to increasedosmotic pressure in the intestine, which, in turn, is the result of poor absorption of the drug. Due to this, fluid accumulates in the intestine, liquefying the contents, thereby increasing peristalsis. The drug is an antidote for poisoning with salts of various heavy metals. The effect is noted after 0.5-3 hours. The duration of the action is from four to six hours.

The drug "Magnesia" (injections) hashypotensive effect, has also an anticonvulsant and soothing effect. The agent has arteriodilating, diuretic, antiarrhythmic, vasodilating activity. High dosages of medicament possess curare-like (inhibitory effect on neuromuscular impulses), tocolytic, narcotic, hypnotic effects. Elevated doses also depress the respiratory center.

sulphate magnesia
The drug "Magnesia" (injections) is prescribed for arterial hypertension, with the threat of premature birth, hypomagnesemia.

To include readings and convulsions in eclampsia,polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, encephalopathy, eclampsia, epileptic syndrome, urinary retention. The agent "Magnesia" (injections) is prescribed for poisoning with mercury, arsenic, barium, tetraethyl lead.

The agent is available as a solution for administrationin a muscle or vein, as well as in the form of a powder, from which a suspension for oral administration is prepared. The agent "Magnesia" (nyxes) is applied only for the purpose of a specialist. Dosage is established in accordance with the disease, as well as taking into account the therapeutic effectiveness and the level of the substance in the blood serum.

For hypertensive crises, it is shown byfive to twenty milliliters of a 20% solution. Introduction is carried out slowly intravenously or intramuscularly. In case of convulsive syndrome, the dosage is the same, however, the introduction is carried out only in the muscle.

The solution is used in combination withanxiolytic drugs that have a pronounced central muscle relaxant effect. In acute poisoning, intravenous administration of five or ten milliliters of a five- or ten-percent solution is administered.

magnesium injections
The use of the drug "Magnesia" (injections) can be accompanied by various side manifestations.

So, diplopia, a bradycardia, a headache, a vomiting, a nausea, depression of pressure can be marked or celebrated.

In addition, there are sudden tides to the face of blood, shortness of breath, weakness, a sense of thirst, flatulence.

In some cases, tendon reflexes are reduced or lost.

In a number of cases, cardiac arrest, anxiety, hyperhidrosis, and cardiac conduction abnormalities are possible.

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