Diaskintest is an alternative to Mantoux. Side Effects and Feedback

Vaccination is the process that causesparents a lot of questions. At the same time, one has to constantly think over the diagnosis of certain diseases. For example, tuberculosis. More recently, in order to detect this disease in humans, they made Mantoux's reaction. This method is common among children. But in 2016 in Russia there was an alternative to Mantoux. It's called Diaskintest. What it is? How similar is the diagnosis good? Are there any side effects? All these questions seriously worry the parents. After all, innovations in the field of medicine, especially those related to vaccination or injections, are not perceived in the best way. There is always a risk that the methodology will not be the most accurate. That's why you need to learn as much as possible about Diaskintest.


The first step is to understand what is going on at allspeech. Diaskin test is an alternative to Mantoux. What is this technique for determining tuberculosis in humans? It is necessary to understand the meaning of the prick before putting it.

alternative to Mantoux

Diaskintest is not an inoculation, as many people think. This is a kind of new method of diagnosing tuberculosis, which replaced the Mantou reaction, which has been operating in Russia for more than 100 years. The modern method of rapid detection of Koch's rod in the active or passive phases allows, as doctors say, with almost 100% probability to indicate the presence of disease in humans.


How does the modern Mantou alternative for children work? The point is that the action of Diaskintest is based on the work of the proteins of tuberculosis and the immune system of man.

Under the skin, a vaccine containingprotein allergens (they are also called antigens). And then they watch the reaction of the body. If the result is positive, it means that immunity is familiar with tuberculosis. Consequently, the disease takes place. But in the active or passive phase - is unknown.

How do

A modern alternative to Mantoux is performedapproximately the same as the previous test for tuberculosis. Only, as physicians and parents assure, Diaskintest has distinctive features. They minimize the side effects of "vaccination".

The thing is that the vaccine is injected under the skinman. In the blood, this drug will not be absorbed. And this pleases many parents. Put "graft" in the space between the elbow and wrist. Usually a prick is put in a hand that is not "basic". That is right handed - left, left-handed - right.

Mantoux test alternative

Is it dangerous?

In today's world, you can divide all parentsinto 2 categories: for vaccinations and against them. There are still doubters. Therefore, many try to look for pros and cons in every injection that is put to the child. The alternative to the Mantoux test causes mixed opinions.

The main problem here is the novelty. New vaccines and techniques that are not tested by time and experience are not too trustworthy. Do Diaskintest or not? Every parent should decide this independently. But Mantoux in Russia want to remove in principle. Therefore, all parents before "vaccination" should think several times about the consequences.

There are a small number of side effects fromDiaskintest, which are extremely rare. In addition, not all children can be subjected to this method of searching for tuberculosis. It is always possible to find alternative methods for diagnosing the disease. But in schools actively promote Diaskintest. What can you expect from this "vaccination"?

dyskin test is an alternative to mantoux that it is


To begin with it is necessary to learn, to whom basically it is impossibleconduct the studied diagnosis of tuberculosis. After all, the reaction of the body is able to bring some categories of people a lot of problems. Up to the appearance of tuberculosis in absolutely healthy people.

To people who are not available to the studied alternative Mantoux (like the "old version" of the reaction), include:

  • citizens with severe chronic diseases;
  • people with greatly reduced immunity;
  • recently ill (the immune system is weakened);
  • those who have a negative reaction to injections;
  • presence of serious diseases (including hepatitis, poliomyelitis, epilepsy);
  • temperature increase.

Accordingly, all of the above cases -this is a direct contraindication for the test. It is necessary or to wait a while, or to choose other methods of studying the body for the presence of tuberculosis in children in adults. And what side effects can occur in "vaccinated"?


Now it is clear that Diaskin test is an alternativeMantoux. Side effects, as many doctors assure, with this diagnosis are minimized. Most often they do not take place at all. But people need to warn even about the most unlikely consequences.

alternative manty for children

In the first place with regard to side effectsDiaskintest is the appearance of a trace from the injection. This is perhaps the most common scenario. A trace from a prick after introduction under a skin of a corresponding vaccine remains always. And you should not be frightened of this. Quite a normal reaction. For a few days (sometimes within a week) the trail will disappear. He does not bring any discomfort.


The following side effect can easily be confusedwith the result of diagnosis. Typically, the first signs of a positive reaction appear within 6 hours after injections under the skin. Why not be afraid?

Slight swelling. Usually it is a pinkish color, almost colorless, as with Mantoux. Ideally, in addition to the trace of the injection, there should be no other side effects. But consider that the swelling is formed, it is worth. The main thing is that it is not papules or the color of the area of ​​the skin near the site of the injection is not clearly pronounced pink. If such signs and effects are visible, then this is a positive result for tuberculosis.


Modern alternative Mantoux receivesvarious reviews. Parents pay great attention to side effects. It has already been said that given the type of diagnosis usually does not cause any negative reaction of the body. But there are exceptions.

Norm, in addition to all the above,is the appearance of a small bruise in the area of ​​the injection. Its size usually reaches 2 centimeters. Even if it wears a cyanotic or purple hue, do not panic. This is a normal reaction of the body, though frightening. After all, the main thing is that the result of diagnosis does not indicate the presence of tuberculosis. Then we can assume that the child is 100% healthy and is not familiar with the disease.

dyskin test alternative to mantle side effects


It is worth paying attention to the fact that Diaskin test(alternative to Mantoux) receives responses from parents of various. The main problem is that this type of diagnosis of tuberculosis is not time-tested. And parents simply do not know what to expect after the introduction of the "vaccine".

It must be understood that sometimes the result can beto lie. Doctors do not deny that after the administration of the drug Diaskintest is able to indicate a false positive result. Similar cases have taken place, they force parents not to respond in the best way to innovation.

When is it possible to doubt the presence of tuberculosis? If there was redness at the site of the injection or papule. Do not panic. It is enough to consult a doctor for advice, as well as to make a fluorography and a number of additional studies. Diaskintest is allowed to be repeated only 2 months after the initial "vaccination". This is not a side effect, but every parent should know about this reaction of the organism.

Other complications

The studied alternative to Mantoux is, like any otheranother injection, interference in the human body. Therefore, this or that reaction to the introduced protein is not excluded. It has already been said that ideally Diaskintest does not imply the presence of side effects or any serious consequences. Do not administer the appropriate drug to people with weakened immunity. This can lead to infection. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay maximum attention to contraindications.

dyskin test alternative to mantou reviews

What other situations can be considered normal after the child was given an alternative to the Mantoux reaction? There are not many such manifestations. These include the following situations:

  1. Temperature increase. This is a normal reaction to almost any injection. Usually, it is not necessary to bring down the temperature of a child or an adult. The probability of a strong increase in body temperature is the lowest. But if this happens, it is not recommended to do another Diaskintest. The temperature at which it is required to refrain from repeating the procedure is about 38-38.5 degrees Celsius. If it lasts a long time, it will also be a direct contraindication for the diagnosis in the future.
  2. General malaise. Also a common version of the development of events. Not only an alternative to Mantoux entails a similar result. Usually, weakness occurs after several hours. Do not load and strain the child. If he is weak after "vaccination", then you need to let him rest a little.
  3. Headache. Quite often, children complain that after Diaskintest they have a headache. This phenomenon should not frighten parents. This is how often the body reacts to the introduction of protein. Like all other effects, the headache does not require any treatment. If it develops into a migraine or interferes with normal working capacity, you should take an anesthetic. About such cases it will be necessary to warn doctors at subsequent injections.

All this, as doctors say, is a normal reactionon the injected drug. Therefore, in Russia they want to give up Mantoux. The test-alternative, which is called Diaskintest, gets a big spread.


Reviews indicate that fear of such adiagnosis is not necessary. There are practically no side effects, you can easily carry out Diaskintest in children and adults who do not have direct contraindications for "vaccination".

Many parents are repelled by the fact that sometimesThere is a false positive result in the test. It causes a lot of trouble. Often, doctors recommend in this situation to do both Diaskintest and Mantoux in different hands.

alternative to the Mantoux reaction

Among the shortcomings of such diagnostic techniquestuberculosis can still be distinguished from the fact that they do not allow you to accurately say in which phase the disease is located. Accordingly, a number of additional studies in the case of a positive result (even a false one) will still have to be done. That's why some parents refuse from such methods of detecting tuberculosis and choose alternative options.

Nevertheless, it can be quite fast (no more thanfor 3 days) and accurately get the results of Diaskintest. Refuse such a nuisance is not worth it, if there are no contraindications. It's just a more accurate and quicker way to detect a disease than Mantoux.

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