Vitamins in kiwi contribute to the health of the human body

Among many scientists there is an opinion thatThe most useful fruit among all the existing ones is kiwi. Nutritionists also among all the optimal variants of dietary products prefer this exotic fruit, which contains a lot of vitamins and a minimum amount of calories.

Such vitamins in kiwi as A, D, C, E, B2, B3, B6,as well as useful substances - beta-carotene, folic acid - is almost impossible to find in any product at the same time. Well, perhaps, the main advantage of the fetus lies in the content of such a large amount of vitamin C. Kiwi can yield in this except that only the black currant. Surprisingly, all the vitamins in kiwi do not disappear with prolonged storage due to the dense skin and the acids contained in it. Despite the fact that the fetus is small enough, it contains a daily intake of vitamin C for an adult.

In addition, in kiwi found a place for magnesium,potassium, iron and phosphorus. Combined with vitamin C, magnesium normalizes the functionality of the cardiovascular system. To this end, cardiologists recommend to many people complaining of heart failure that they eat kiwi every day.

Regularly using this curative fruit, you can avoid stressful conditions, because magnesium increases the number of positive emotions and strengthens resistance to nervous breakdowns.

Contained vitamins in kiwi characterize thisan amazing fruit as an antitumor, an antioxidant agent that can significantly improve performance with fatigue and lethargy. Also, the fruit increases the immunity and produces collagen, which is necessary for a healthy skin condition.

Scientists have proved that vitamins in kiwi allowmany people get rid of excess weight, because they burn excess fat without harm to health. That is why nutritionists so insist on using these fruits by people suffering from obesity.
Daily replenishment of your body with useful substances of exotic fruit will protect yourself from cancer, and will also create reliable protection against many infections.

The kiwi enzyme of actinidiagreatly improves the assimilation of proteins. A eaten fruit after a dense dinner will get rid of the often occurring severity in the stomach and will prevent the occurrence of heartburn.

But we must remember that kiwi, like any otherfruit, can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. This may be due to excessive consumption of fruits, as well as their intolerance to the human body. By its properties and vitamin composition, kiwi has some similarities with cherries and raisins.

Such vitamins in the cherry as vitamin B2 and folicacid, somehow bring this berries closer to kiwi. It also contains vitamin C, however, in a very small amount. Thanks to the presence in the cherry of minerals such as potassium, copper, iron and magnesium, it is indispensable for anemia. Almost all gynecologists recommend pregnant women to supplement their diet for the entire critical period of life with a certain number of red berries.

Raisins are known for their rich composition, sincehe absorbed all the useful properties of grapes - a source of health and longevity. B1 and B2 - vitamins in the suit, characterizing it as a product, normalizing the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular system. In addition to vitamins in raisins, there are such irreplaceable mineral substances for full-scale vital activity as phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron. In medicine, there are recommendations for the use of raisins to patients suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus and heart failure.

Knowing the composition of many fruits is beneficial to one's own health, because by using them you can get rid of some diseases or prevent them from occurring in time.

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