Know how to choose birth control pills, should not only doctors

Even at the very beginning of a sexual life to a questionprotection must be approached very seriously, because an unwanted pregnancy at an early age can change the entire life of the girl. That's why the best option is to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist who will tell you how to choose birth control pills. The main advantage of this method of protection is that a girl can not even inform anyone that she is taking pills, she will not have to persuade a guy to use a condom. Although if the tests for sexually transmitted infections, he did not take, the barrier method of contraception is still preferable. But with a combination of 2 ways of preventing the probability of pregnancy, as well as infection with any infection, will be minimal.

How to Choose Birth Control Pills

Ideally, before prescribing the tabletsthe doctor must send you to take special tests to find out which of the pills sold in our country suits you best. But, as a rule, the cost of these tests is high, and the probability that one of the drugs you categorically does not fit is low. Therefore, doctors do not follow all the rules that determine how to choose birth control pills and prescribe them, focusing on the concentration of hormones in them, taking into account your age, history, gynecological examination results and your financial capabilities. The last point does not mean that the doctor will write out a good drug, only if you "thank him", he will just pick up the option that you can afford, because the prices for hormonal drugs vary at times.

Contraceptive reviews
Even if you have consulted a doctor, howto choose contraceptive tablets, before the beginning of reception it is necessary to familiarize with the instruction to a preparation. So you can not only learn how it is better to take it and what to do in case of missing another pill, but also to prevent possible problems by reading the list of side effects and contraindications to admission.

With an independent selection, many choose the drug on the recommendations of friends or reviews on the forums.

contraceptive reviews
For example, contraceptive "Jess" is popular,reviews that indicate that they rarely cause side effects are microdosed. Due to the minimal concentration of hormones that suppress ovulation, they are easily tolerated by most women. In addition, women who decide to use hormonal drugs for contraception for the first time should start with microdosed options.

Despite the fact that the tablets "Jess"contraceptive, reviews suggest that they are prescribed for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, the normalization of the ovaries, to improve the skin condition, reduce the fat content of the hair. Many are afraid to take tablets with a low concentration of hormones, worrying that they can not suppress ovulation. But if they are advised by a doctor, explaining how to choose birth control pills, you should not be afraid. After all, the same drug "Jess" is a combined one. This means that it acts not only on the ovaries, preventing the egg from escaping, but also changes the cervical mucus, the inner lining of the uterus, doing everything possible so that spermatozoa can not even penetrate the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg, and if it does happen so that she could not attach herself to the uterus.

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