How to get rid of obsessive thoughts

What prevents us from living peacefully? The question is complicated, as everyone in this list is ready to add something of their own. It's normal for us to be disturbed by our own fears, complexes, problems of character, disbelief in our strength. Someone can not be happy because of conflicts in the family or at work, and someone is not able to enjoy life because of some illness. Our psyche also very often presents very, very unpleasant surprises.

Consciousness sometimes goes out of control andbegins to arrange such concerts, that life turns into a torment. To the quirks of our consciousness, we can safely include obsessive thoughts. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts is a topical issue for many. First, let's talk about what they represent.

What are obsessions

Obsessive thoughts are nothing butspecific forms that accept false ideas, penetrating into our minds. As a rule, they differ from ordinary thoughts in that they occupy a dominant position in our minds against our will.

The question is how to get rid of obsessive thoughts,is very, very relevant, as it is really difficult to eliminate them. Thought can enslave a person, make him his slave, break his personality. Obsessive thoughts, the treatment of which will be discussed below, try to impersonate your own desires. At times they provoke people into dangerous and unjustified actions.
According to psychologists in the basis of almost allobsessive thoughts are some secret fears and phobias. The inability of a person to control obsessive thoughts is explained by the fact that they go directly from the subconscious.

What are obsessive thoughts

Many of them make a person afraidanything. And many, suffering from obsessive thoughts, are afraid not of the consequences of any incident, but of himself. A person can live with a constant thought that he will be robbed. Do not confuse this with paranoia or any phobia. The difference is that the fear itself is paranoid and not the probability that it will happen. Obsessive thoughts can be non-standard and absurd. For example, a person may be persecuted by the thought that he will cut off the leg of an old woman. And make it a hacksaw. As a rule, obsessive thoughts have a greater degree of detail. There are always a lot of details.
They can not be based on fear, but on desireto do something. Such obsessive thoughts also do not carry in themselves anything good. A person can be pursued by an absolutely pointless idea to steal laces from his boss's shoes, smash the glass in a stall and so on.

It is also worth describing the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms are the following: suspiciousness, irritability, isolation, loss of control over yourself and so on. The bottom line is that a person begins without fear to feel fear, sadness, anger or something else. The syndrome of compulsive states is named for the reason that a person can not just take over and switch to something else. Unreasonable fear (or another) may not let it go for hours. Often these conditions are accompanied by obsessive thoughts.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts

You feel that the situation has gone too far -immediately contact a psychologist. Then everything can only get worse. If you want to fix the situation yourself. That we can recommend yoga. Or, rather, meditation. Meditation combined with breathing exercises will help to subordinate consciousness, and obsessive thoughts will very soon go away.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts? Try to realize that there is no meaning in them. Fight, do not let them prevail. We recommend you to have a good time and relax. It is possible that you are just overwrought.

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