Structure and Functions of Sociology

The transition of countries to democracy led to the expansion ofrights and freedoms of citizens, the possibility of choice has increased, which has made it necessary to understand the processes taking place in society. And a new science arose, sociology, which is aimed at studying society in all its aspects with a view to solving global human problems. How to define sociology? What is the structure and function of sociology as a science?

Sociology as a science is a doctrine of society, social relations and social communities.

Object and subject of sociology of sociology. Structure and functions of sociology as a science. Subject structure and functions of sociology.

Under the object of any science is understood whatdirected research. And the subject of study is the relationship, the parties and the connections that constitute the object of study. The object of sociology in particular is social reality. The subject of sociology research is the activity of the individual, groups and social communities.

Structure and functions of sociology.

Functions: descriptive, informational, prognostic, theoretic-cognitive, transformative, worldview.

  1. Descriptive function. The received knowledge is systematized documentarily in the form of various kinds, books, scientific reports, articles. On their basis they form practical conclusions and make managerial decisions.
  2. Information function.

It is a collection, accumulation andsystematization of information resulting from research. The information is stored in the memory of computers in sociological centers and is provided for use in practical activities as needed.

  1. Prognostic function. The result of the sociological survey is a social long-term or short-term forecast. The forecast is based on the opening of the factor that affects the object and the development trends of the social phenomenon.
  2. Teoretiko-informative. Evaluation of the cognizable world is carried out from the perspective of the interests of the individual Sociology seeks to obtain and systematize new knowledge aimed at obtaining a general picture of the processes taking place in the world. This allows us to determine what problems exist in the society, what needs to be transformed and what is not.
  3. Conversion function.

After the completion of social research,conclusions, proposals and recommendations on the basis of which management decisions are made. That is, the theoretical calculations are translated into practical activity.

  1. World outlook function.

Sociology actively influences the socio-political life in society, contributing its research to the progress of society.

Structure and functions of sociology.

One of the most common is the division into theoretical and empirical sociology. The division is based on the division of sociological knowledge into empirical and theoretical knowledge.

There is a division according to the objectresearch on metasociology and the theory of sociology. The object of metasociology is sociology itself, namely its laws and cognitive capabilities. And the theory of sociology studies social reality.

Depending on the tasks and functions are allocatedfundamental sociology, as well as theoretical and applied sociology. The first solves the problems associated with the formation of knowledge about the ongoing processes in social reality, the development of methods and methods of sociological research, the derivation of sociological concepts. The second is aimed at studying and solving problems arising in connection with the need to transform social reality.

Sociology is very important, since its research is aimed at obtaining

necessary experience. Conclusions and results are recorded on different media and are subsequently used in practice. This solves the most important and global problems of all mankind.

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