Budgerigar. Reproduction and care

Many wild birds can not reproduce incaptivity, and if they reproduce, it is very bad, but this fact does not apply to wavy parrots. These birds can also be bred in cages, for this it is only necessary to create favorable conditions and find a suitable pair. For these purposes, a one-year-old wavy parrot is suitable. Breeding of birds occurs in spring and summer, although egg laying can be carried out in autumn or winter.

wavy parrot
In the warm season, the chicks appear morehealthy and without congenital deficiencies, in the cold season they are weak, they can die. If it so happened that the female began laying eggs in autumn or winter, then the birds need to provide an air temperature of 20 - 22 ° C and with the help of lamps continue the light day to 12 - 14 hours. Breeding wavy parrots at home is possible only with the formation of a good pair.

Young birds should be taken from their parents,which showed good qualities in the hatching of eggs, because not all females are good mothers. Family ties should be immediately ruled out, because eventually a sick and weak wavy parrot will turn out. Reproduction is possible already on the 8th - 9th month of the feathered life, but it is better to create a couple after the year, the most productive age is 2 to 3 years.

how much does a wavy parrot
Parrots are considered schooling birds, they are moreare active and vigorous if 6-8 individuals live in one cage. Therefore, you can buy a large house and put in there immediately 3 - 4 pairs. If parrots are picked up correctly, the male will soon take care of the female, shortly before laying eggs, they become restless. To the back of the cage it is worthwhile to attach a nest box with sawdust. A month before the clutch birds have to fly a lot, because a mobile way of life improves metabolism.

One per day lays egg wavya parrot. Reproduction of birds will be successful if the female immediately sits to warm the first egg and continue laying. She can sit on 6-10 eggs. Already on day 18 the first chick appears, the following are born every other day. The amount of food should be increased, add parsley oats, chicken eggs. The male feeds the female, and she in turn regurgitates it and gives the chicks.

breeding of wavy parrots at home
In 7 days, small parrots openeyes, after 3 days on the back and head appear the first hemp feathers, and by two weeks they are covered with down. Real feathers appear gradually, first on the back, then on the head and wings. At this time the chicks are very timid. In one month, already obtained covered with feathers, a fully formed wavy parrot.

Reproduction of these birds is not too complicated, thereforesome parrot owners decide to seriously deal with this matter. In 40 days the young feathered person becomes completely independent, can fly and obtain his own food. It is at this age that parrots are planted from their parents in a separate cage. If you deal with this business all the time, you can create a good profit-making business. The number of wavy parrots depends on the age and health of the bird. On average, you can earn from 500 to 700 rubles per individual.

Breeding parrots is not only profitable, but also a low-cost and pleasant business, because these cute "talkative" birds are able to cheer up and do not cause much trouble.

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