Chacha at home: a recipe for Georgian vodka

Georgia is a country of hot sun, hot men andstrong wine. And still - the birthplace of very enterprising people. After all, Georgians have learned to make delicious strong alcohol from the waste left after the production of wine.

Chacha at home, recipe
And chacha at home, the recipe of which youfind in this article, and a similar beverage, made on an industrial scale, are prepared on the basis of a cake. This wine grapes, from which squeezed all the juice. The latter goes to make wine, and from the cake comes Chacha. At home, the recipe for this drink provides the basis for a slightly unripe black grapes. Pulp, peel and bones of 15 kilograms of berries are placed in a deep enameled container. The dishes should be very voluminous, because pour this cake you need five liters of warm boiled water. There also add five kilograms of sugar. Covering the container with a lid or tightening with polyethylene, the dishes are left in a dry and warm place for a week. All this time, once a day, the liquid should be stirred.

The second stage: we filter the finished mash. Chacha at home (recipes of many housewives confirm this) begins to wander almost immediately, as soon as the cake is flooded with water.

How to make a chacha?
If this does not happen, then the liquid does notenough heat. When there is no way to strain the future chacha, you can catch the cake from the pan with a noise. The purified liquid should stand in the heat for another day, while you can not cover the pan with a lid.

To chacha at home, the recipe of which wewe consider, it turned out not worse than that of the best industrial producers, it is necessary to drive the brew from the grape cake through the moonshine. It is this unit that will help to make real Georgian vodka. And how to make a chacha without a moonshine? No way. However, Russian vodka - too.

The easiest way to borrow a homeownerfriends, if any is not available at home. And if you like experimenting with the creation of strong alcoholic beverages, you can buy your own. Fortunately, now no one will fine you for this and will not blame you. In industrial plants, chacha is distilled only once, but real connoisseurs of this drink believe that if done twice, the drink will be cleaner and stronger, up to 80 percent.

Preparation of Chacha
Preparation Chacha - a long process, becauseafter distillation in the home-brewed device, the drink is bottled and ripens about a month and a half in a cool place. This time is necessary for Georgian vodka to become a truly refined grape drink - very strong, pleasant to taste and easy to use. Chacha lovers say that the morning after the fun of it does not hurt the head, but during drinking, the thoughts remain clear and bright. However, like any strong alcohol, this drink negatively affects the coordination of movement.

In general, it is impossible to abuse Chacha, of course. Still, it's a very high-alcoholic drink. But in moderate doses, he does not harm a healthy body. On the contrary, the chacha helps digestion, in a small amount it calms the nervous system well (the main thing is not to overdo it), and the antioxidants that are contained in the grapes are a wonderful preventative against various diseases.

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