Delicious chanterelles recipes offer to cook just like this

Delicious chanterelle mushrooms have a huge amountadvantages over all other mushroom "fellow", and not only because they are unusually tasty and never are wormy. Chanterelles are also very useful - they have a positive effect on vision, strengthen immunity, give him a huge supply of trace elements and vitamins, are necessary for the human body, without causing harm, since this type of fungi accumulates radionuclides less than others. In addition, these mushrooms are very easy to prepare - immediately after harvesting they need to be sorted, soaked in water for a while, to get rid of the accumulated soil and grass, and then create a variety of culinary masterpieces.

Chanterelle recipes for cookingthe most diverse, starting with the methods of processing (they are fried, dried, salted and marinated), ending with a variety of dishes in which these magnificent mushrooms are added (soups, salads, casseroles and pies). In order to comprehensively evaluate all the advantages of such a wonderful product, it is worth preparing an appetizing cake with the following recipe: take chanterelles (350 grams), potatoes (200 grams), milk and sour cream (100 ml.), Onions (1 goal) and garlic (2 tooth). You can also buy a ready-made puff pastry (1 kg) in the store. As in most cases, mushrooms chanterelles recipes are recommended to put in advance in water, rinse and cut into several large slices; potatoes are washed, cleaned and cut into strips, then fry it in a frying pan with preheated vegetable oil. When the slices of potatoes get golden color, they can be moved to a bowl, on the same oil a little fry the chopped onions. At the same time, mushrooms can be cooked in a buttermilk saucepan - until the juice that has separated out is evaporated along with a large amount of oil. As soon as you are ready and get a smooth golden color (mostly chanterelles prescriptions are supposed to season at this stage), mushrooms can be added to taste and add favorite spices. Remove the mushrooms from the stewpan, pour the mixture of milk with sour cream, a small amount of flour and squeezed garlic (so that the mass becomes thick), stir it until a uniform consistency is obtained and immediately remove from heat.

Next, proceed directly to"Assembly" of the pie - knead the dough, roll it out, place it on a greased baking sheet and place on it a stuffing: fried potatoes, onions, mushrooms, which are poured over with sour-milk sauce. Half an hour later, in a preheated pie, the cake will be ready - such an original recipe for chanterelles in sour cream and milk can be cooked in such a way that their taste and aroma is passed on to all other ingredients, which will be especially noticeable if the cake is still hot.

Also, the taste of chanterelles can be qualitatively transmittedin a recipe for mushrooms under saffron sauce. For him, you need to take fresh chanterelles (900 grams), onions (1 goal), garlic (2 teeth), yogurt (200 ml.), A little apricot jam and saffron. At the first stage, this, like many other varieties of chanterelles, requires grinding and frying the onions and garlic until golden, on a low intensity fire, and pour saffron with a small amount of boiling water. Mushrooms at the same time need to soak in water (about half an hour), dry, cut into quarters and add to the frying pan to the onion with garlic. Next, you should extinguish the mushrooms until the juice separates and starts to evaporate, which should be drained and mixed with apricot jam, again pour into the pan. After that, the food can be seasoned, sprinkled with salt and cleaned from the fire, pour a mixture of yogurt with saffron infusion, mix well and serve to the table a little cooled - so recommend to cook chanterelle recipes for real chefs.

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