The meaning of the name Agatha: from A to Z

The beautiful name Agatha comes from ancient Greece. In Russia, it has taken hold in a modified version, sounding like Agapia or Agafia. In modern Russia, all of the above options are usually used as three separate names. The meaning of Agatha's name in translation from Greek is good.

The influence of a name on character

The meaning of the name Agatha

If you met a smart, brightimagination, sense of humor and a developed logical thinking woman, there is a high probability that her name is Agatha. The meaning of the name suggests that its possessor has a soft character, but this is not entirely true. It can quite flare, rude and behave selfishly. It is worth noting that this behavior for her is not the norm.

Agatha has a wonderful memory and developedimagination, very insistent and loves independence. It is too straightforward and uncompromising. Women with the name Agatha love to travel, are always open to new knowledge and impressions. They do not like to visit guests, they prefer to act as mistress of the house. To life are treated with optimism.


From the point of view of psychology, the meaning of the name Agathaassumes for his owner restraint in emotions, excessive self-criticism and subtle intuition. Not in the habit of Agatha to share with others their doubts or experiences, sometimes the exception is not done even for close people. But Agatha has a vivid and vivid imagination. He feels well the emotional state of people around him - he always knows when it's better to remain silent, and when you can joke.

The name Agatha

The owners of this name are quite sociable andhave many different friends. But true friends can list on the fingers of one hand. Because of the overly developed self-criticism of Agatha, it is difficult to find your life calling.


The meaning of the name Agatha does not have a negativeinfluence on health. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the owners of the name since early childhood like mobile sports, often recorded in sports sections. Agates are well developed physically and retain their body in a satisfactory form until old age.

Agate name value


The sexual meaning of Agatha's name suggestssome difficulties for his owner. Sex is not only acceptance, but also bestowal. And in this very recoil lies the problem. Agate takes time to relax and overcome their emotional restraint and poise in behavior. She needs to learn how to demonstrate to her partner all that sensuality that it contains. A man will be happy if in bed Agatha will show him what her imagination is capable of.

Life calling

A sense of responsibility, developed logic, strongnature and observation make Agatha a wonderful organizer, leader, public figure or doctor. She often chooses the work associated with the movement, or one that does not require constant reports to the authorities. If Agate wants to realize herself in the works, Agatha Christie, a woman who finds in her books the application of logic, imagination, observation and sense of humor, will serve as an excellent example.

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