Maternal prayer should be correct

Prayer is a special state of a person, butlearn it is not easy. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this. After all, there are many prayer-books, open any and read anything. But it turns out, this is not a prayer.

maternal prayer
Prayer is a conversation with God. Not all contemporaries even understand Who is God. Many perceive Him as a Sobes or a quick reaction center in critical situations. From this, any prayer, whether it is a mother's prayer for a child, or about the health of loved ones, about work, examinations or getting an apartment, turns into some kind of eternal begging.

Man does not just pray, he demands, insistson my own, I am sure that it will be better just as he wishes! This is especially true where mother's prayer for her children is heard. For some reason, a woman considers herself endowed with an inalienable right to know what is best for her son or daughter.

In fact, people do not always imagine that it is better, even for him, to say nothing of their child.

strength of the maternal prayer
A well-known story is about how the mother of onethe criminal begged him from God when he was only three years old. Persistent motherly prayer for her son was heard, the child recovered, but the mother did not bring joy at all: he was hanged for a state crime at a young age, and she herself bitterly repented of having insisted on her many years ago. Therefore, even if the mother prays for the good, let it be better to rely on the will of God.

Maternal prayer does have a specialforce before God. But not because the mothers are given special advantages for some reason. No, it's just that the mother loves altruists more than others. She lives for the sake of the child, he grows it for the sake of becoming an adult, and does not require anything in return. This is the mother's love in the ideal.

Therefore, the mother's prayer for a son or daughter often has a special power in the eyes of God.

But any prayer to God must be permeatedhumility. Yes, of course, every person has desires, and he submits these desires humbly to God. There is nothing wrong. Just like there is nothing wrong with a child asking a parent for a toy. No one will reproach the baby for this. But if he starts shouting and demanding, crying, it is already unacceptable and punishable.

mother's prayer for the son

The strength of the maternal prayer is in humility: "I want and I pray. But let it be, as you wish, Lord. " Understanding that the true blessing for us is the fulfillment of the will of God, humility of ourselves and prayer for our needs is a truly Orthodox attitude.

Maternal prayer, of course, supports andstrengthens children. When my mother asks for them not wealth and health, but explicit spiritual benefits, it always benefits her child. The psyche of people, values ​​vary greatly with time. Until recently, the baby was treated as a gift from God. Having several children of about the same age, it was easier for her to accept that one of them would not survive. Now the child is an idol, the idol of the whole family, therefore it is simply impossible for the mother to reconcile with the fact that his interests may suffer in some way.

To trust the care of the fate of one's own child to the Lord and to step aside is a very wise decision for most situations, but not all are capable of it.

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