Recommendations for beginning gardeners: how to care for strawberries in autumn

If you are the lucky owner of a suburban areaand have at your disposal a couple of beds with berries, you probably have thought about how to care for strawberries in the fall. It's no secret that garden strawberries are a pretty capricious culture. It requires timely care: pruning old leaves, watering, fertilizing, loosening, transplanting and removing numerous mustaches.

how to care for strawberries in autumn

In order to be stable every yeara high yield of this delicious berry, you need to know how to care for strawberries in autumn, summer and spring. But autumn care is the most responsible. It is on how you prepare the berries for the wintering that the next harvest will depend. The main stages are timely pruning of old foliage, removal of weeds from the garden, planting new plants and sheltering bushes for the winter.

Since the bookmark of berry buds occursin the summer, then strawberry dressing in the autumn is not necessary. However, it is necessary to maintain a fertile soil layer. Therefore, it will be superfluous to introduce humus between the plants, and this will require 2 cm penetration into the soil. This measure will avoid gray rot. Fresh manure, as well as undeveloped compost, is not suitable.

top dressing of strawberries in autumn

Pruning strawberries in autumn should be done inseveral stages. First cut old dried leaves and stems just after harvesting. So you can avoid many diseases and multiplication of pests that laid eggs on the leaves in the height of summer. Before you start harboring berry rosettes for the winter, you should once again go through the secateurs on the bed. Correct pruning is when there is a bunch of young and medium leaves, while all overgrown foliage and unwanted mustaches are cut off.

After studying how to care for strawberries in the fall,should also take care of the cleanliness of the soil. If we leave the weeds in the winter, then most of them will begin to grow rapidly in the very beginning of spring. In addition, weeders are also fond of settling and wintering garden pests on weeds. This stage is one of the most laborious. After all, in a garden with two- and three-year-old plants it is very difficult to maintain the purity of the soil because of the numerous mustaches and overgrown rosettes.

pruning strawberries in autumn
In order for plants to safelyThey overwintered, they were sheltered before snow fell. The best covering material is natural. Clean straw, spruce lapnik - ideal for shelter. Coniferous branches will not only cover the bushes from the piercing cold wind, but they will also scare off the rodents who decided to eat their roots and leaves in hungry winter. Traditional concealed materials, such as lutrasil and spunbond, are a good alternative. Having carried out such preparatory work, you can safely expect that strawberries safely overwinter and gain strength for further growth.

Gardeners with experience who know how to care forfor strawberries in the autumn, it is recommended to take care of updating the beds during this period. Old old bushes to dig out, and in their place to install new rosettes, with a well-formed root system. The entrenched mustache must have from three leaves, not less than 5 rootlets from 6 cm in length. For seedling, it is obligatory to introduce organic or mineral fertilizers.

Groom properly, collect a generous harvest and enjoy a tasty, healthy and fragrant berry!

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