Clion D in pregnancy - appoint in extreme cases.

During pregnancy, the woman's body is weakened andespecially vulnerable. If she has been at least once susceptible to a disease called "candidiasis" during her lifetime, this is almost 100% testament to the fact that during pregnancy she can again face him. This is due to the fact that the entire body is working in a strengthened mode, thus can not cope and respond in time to viruses and bacteria that attack it. Doctors believe that this disease is virtually impossible to cure. A woman simply heals it, but with weakening of immunity or with cooling, or after taking antibiotics, thrush can make itself felt.

The appearance of thrush during pregnancy cannegatively affect the health of the mother, as well as the health of the child. This disease can cause a threat of miscarriage or provoke the development of intrauterine infection. If a woman is not in a position, a lot of medicines can get rid of thrush. To date, a huge number of manufacturers offer a large selection of medicines. And in the usual state of the problem, it will not be up to you to choose a medicine that will help you get rid of candidiasis. But if you carefully study the instructions for use and especially the part where contraindications are written, you may notice that they are united by one thing: you can not take them during pregnancy, and taking the drug while the woman is feeding the baby is contraindicated, because it can stand out from milk of the mother.

In case the disease has occurred and a womanpregnant, you need to see a doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the drug Clion D may be prescribed during pregnancy. But do not worry that it is prescribed in his instructions: it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Doctors appoint always sparing means, reception of which is possible, but in the third trimester. Clion D in pregnancy is prescribed in the event that his benefits are greater than the possible risk of adverse effects on the fetus. But in the third trimester, the fetus was almost completely formed and the effect of the Clion D drug on pregnancy was reduced to almost zero.

However, do not forget that self-medicationto engage in this state is particularly dangerous and fraught with consequences. Candles Clion D during pregnancy can be prescribed only by a doctor who observes a woman throughout the entire time. Before use, the candle should be moistened in water and only then inserted into the vagina.

The composition of this drug includes Metronidazole,which in turn is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent of a wide spectrum. It actively affects Giardia intestinalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Lamblia intestinalis. It also includes Miconazole, which has an antifungal activity and is active against yeasts and fungi of a different origin. Miconazole quickly eliminates the itching that accompanies the infection of the vagina. Also, this drug restores its microflora.

Application of Clion D 100 during pregnancyshould occur only after the appointment of a doctor. Clion D during pregnancy should be taken after all the tests done smears and blood. This drug is able, how to help the body in fighting viruses, and to do harm with improper admission.

At a time when a woman is waiting for a child, she is verysensitive and attentive to everything that happens in her body. Before making a decision on the use of the drug, it is necessary to conduct a study of smears and blood on the microflora and the presence of viruses in the body. In any case, remember - you can not independently prescribe yourself a cure.

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