How to wean the ferret to bite at home: effective methods, techniques and feedback

It is widely believed that domestic ferrets -creatures are extremely biting. And we can not wean the animal from this habit. Ferrets bite not with anger. Although the strength of their teeth is large enough. If desired, they could easily gnaw through bone. They bite a little. Showing that they are located to the game.

Nevertheless, these bites are unpleasant, and sometimesand painful. So what to do, how to wean the ferret to bite? Or do you have to put on thick mittens all the time before taking the animal into your arms? Well, of course, no, just have to do an animal training. We will describe in more detail the methods and methods of the training below.

The animal does not know that such an action is prohibited.

How to wean the ferret, why does it bite? Let us examine in more detail. In natural conditions, a mother and herdsmen teach the ferret how to bite, with what force and when. At home, this should be done by the mentor, the host. It is he who must "explain" to the animal what and how.

how to wean a ferret biting

In general, choruses begin to bite with a 4-weekage. And this is the moment when we need to wean the animal from this bad habit. Otherwise, in the future, pets will taste. Then it will be impossible to reconstruct them in their own way.

This explains why if you purchased an animal on a farm, it is extremely aggressive. After all, there is no time to engage in education.

Most often, ferrets bite the host when playing -this is their natural behavior in nature. Other signs of playful mood: jumping, attack from the side, jump on 4 limbs and "gukanie." This action is usually called "fighting dance" - demonstrating a positive excitement. Try to switch the ferret's attention to something more interesting in this period, then it will not bite you.

how to wean a ferret biting at the feet

How to wean the ferret to bite, if it does? Try to say loudly "no" and dismiss the animal. With such a gesture you will show him that you are hurt and his behavior does not suit you.

If it does not help, move away from the pet, as further explained in the article. Hint him that, until he calms down, there will be no games.

Also use a cage or any other thing,limiting its movement. It works great if you have more than one ferret. The beast will understand that of all he sits in a cage, and since this is "insulting," he will surely calm down.

Chorus fears new housing

If the animal is removed from the habitual for himand brought to an unknown home, where there are some people who are clearly interested in him, the animal is embarrassed, frightened, can hide or bite. Such an effect does not result from malice. The ferret does this to show that it will not allow itself to be offended.

how to disaccustom bite ferret why bite

How to wean the ferret, if it bites in this situation? In fact, it is with this confluence of circumstances that nothing needs to be done, just wait a little. After a ferret, seeing that they love and care for him, he will calm down and become less aggressive.

The animal is frightened of people

If the biting is caused by the fear of the animal, thenTo get out of this situation will be the hardest. Usually, this happens in adults who were ill-treated before they came to your house. Must pass a sufficient amount of time, so that the animal began to trust you.

Signs that characterize fear: hissing, sharp squeals, fluffy tail. Never punish such ferrets physically, as this will only worsen the situation. Only patience and affection you can win the trust of the animal.

To start, you need to reduce the number ofirritants, and it is better and at all them to clean or remove. Take the ferret to the first day of your stay in a quiet room with no children. The animal remains in the cage for the time being. To make him feel calmer, it can be covered with a dense "breathing" cloth or simply inside it to put a house for the ferret, where he can hide.

how to wean a domestic ferret bite

The next day you can release the animal, but limit its space to one room, while you remain in the role of an observer.

And only on the third day slowly beginto communicate with the ferret, try to gently stroke it, play with it. But to begin with, play with toys that will help to avoid animal bites. And only when the choir gets used to such games, you can take it in your arms and play.

Chorus tries to insist on its own

This situation is not uncommon. Very often animals, getting into a new house, check the owners for how far they can go. In this case, the animal does this with the help of biting. But what about it?

How to wean the ferret to bite in this case? We return here to the aforesaid. In this case, only the methods of training, which have already been mentioned in the article, will help.

When do I start to train the animal?

This process should be started as early as possible,it's better from the moment he got to you as a puppy. Do not wait for the ferret to grow. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. So, how to wean the ferret to bite at home?

First, tell the animal that you do not likehis methods of communication. At the first bite of the ferret, it is necessary to say loudly "hey" or "ah" and to turn away your hand. So you show the animal that you are hurt and you do not approve of its methods of play. You can shout "no" and clap your hands sharply.

There is one nuance in this matter: when shouting you can not go on shrill sounds. They act on the animal "exciting" and induce it to "attack." If these techniques do not help, then you have to stand up and defiantly move away. This you hint to the pet that you will not continue the game until he stops biting. Then you have to put the crook in a cage, so that the beast calms down, because as long as it is "excited", it can not stop. Stopping the game for the ferret is the most terrible punishment.

The most important is the sequence

Do not forget to repeat these actions all the time.If the ferret bites. Only if these conditions are met will you achieve success. And your pet will remember that if he bites, then the game will necessarily stop.

how to wean the ferret biting tricks and extreme measures

How to disaccustom the domestic ferret to bite, what elsemeasures can be applied? Very effective is the method using the "yummy" for the animal. Simply put, always, when the animal does not bite while playing, encourage the pet with something tasty (for example, meat). Just do not overdo it. A piece must be small, otherwise it will not be the best way to affect the digestion of the "sham."

How to wean the ferret to bite at the feet?

There are some individuals who preferbiting not by the hands, but by the feet. It is extremely difficult to disaccustom them from this bad habit. Usually used special sprays, such as "Bitter Lemon", which are sold in pet stores. They are applied in small numbers on their feet before they start playing with the animal.

Once the ferret bites you, you need to wash it off well.spray. After that, you should spread your feet on others, now sweet (pet shops are selling special liquid treats for these purposes). The place where the "delicious" spray is applied should be given to the animal to lick. So your pet will understand that biting the owner by the feet is quite "tasteless", it is better to lick.

How to wean the ferret biting? Receptions and extreme measures

For most of the animals, the methods listed above are sufficient, but there are complex cases when extreme measures can not be avoided.

how to wean a ferret biting at home

When such behavior of the animal is appliedimitation of the behavior of mothers of these animals. That is, if the bite bites, it must be lifted by the scruff and gently shaken. So my mother teaches them to order. Or another method - pressing a slightly animal to the surface and lightly pulling on it until the ferret calms down.

These are the only extreme measures by whichto enjoy. Beating a ferret or snapping on the nose is inadmissible under any circumstances. The only thing that can be achieved in this case is dislike and aggression of the animal, but we do not want it.

People's opinion

Those who encountered a polecat, say that they tried different methods. But in each specific case came one specific option.

how to wean the ferret if it bites

Most say it helps ignoring the animal, as ferrets just adore companies. Loneliness for them is really a hard punishment.


Now it's clear how to wean the ferret to bite. We hope that this information will help you to establish good relations with such an unusual pet.

Just do not forget that we can not disaccustom the animal to bite for a couple of days. Have enough patience, and then after a while all your works will be rewarded with interest.

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